The Duke’s Convenient Bride – Extended Epilogue

Even a character, a scene, or anything. You could say no if nothing bothered you.

A few months later

“I want to get down.”

Edmund laughed as Diana buried her head in his coat. “Why? The view is beautiful.”

“It’s too high. Edmund, what if the balloon falls? I want to get back on the ground right now. This was a bad idea.”

Edmund chuckled again. “Well, we can’t just descend. The balloons don’t work like that, Diana. So, you might as well enjoy the view.” He bent to kiss the top of her head, smirking as the wind blew her hair against his lips. “Come on, love. I’ve got you. You’re safe enough.”

After a moment, Diana shifted to look up again. Edmund loosened his grip enough for her to turn, then pulled her back against his chest.

After a moment, Diana relaxed just a bit. “It is beautiful.”

Below the balloon, the world spread out in a panorama of color, highlighted by the glow of the rising sun behind them. Just above them, the clouds shone like spun gold. A crisp wind blew around them, guiding the brightly-colored balloon through the sky.

The last few months had been wonderful. Following the wedding, he and Diana had embarked on a tour of the Continent, following the suggestions of her brother, Joseph. They’d explored the mountains of the Alps, the canals of Vienna, and the churches of Rome. They’d gone on a taste-testing exploration of the vineyards of France and watched the bullfights in Spain.

They’d explored wherever the whimsy took them, traveling by boat and carriage, sometimes even walking or riding.

Diana had sent home trunks of new dresses for herself and Hattie, wines and beer for her former guardian, and other trinkets.

Edmund had bought clocks—German, French, Swiss, Spanish, and Italian—everything from small pocket watches to wall clocks.

He’d half expected Diana to protest after the tenth clock he’d purchased, but she only laughed, toying with the chain of the pocket watch that she had worn every day since their formal engagement. She’d been more than willing to accept his hobby, laughing and saying it was a better indulgence than bar fights and liquor.

He had more clocks than he’d ever use and likely more than he’d ever be able to finish repairing in his lifetime. But he was happy, and that was all Diana cared about.

After several minutes, Diana looked up at him. “Where shall we go next?”

He grinned. “Back to England, I should think. Did I tell you about the letter I received from Uncle Phillip this morning?”

“No, why?” Diana twisted to look at him more fully. “What has happened?”

Edmund smirked at her. “It seems my uncle Phillip’s been doing a bit of courting since we married and went to gallivant around Europe. His suit’s been accepted, and now he’s engaged to a Miss Hattie Wynn.”

“Oh, that’s wonderful!” Diana’s delighted laughter rang in his ears. “After the wedding, we’ll be family at last.”

“Though she won’t be your sister. She’ll be your aunt.”

Diana scoffed. “As if that matters. I’ve learned that family is the most precious thing in the world, no matter what the relation. And I, for one, shall be happy to have another family member to speak with and attend next season’s events with.” She gave him a look. “Is there anything else you have neglected to tell me?”

Edmund kissed her again. “Well, Mother has been asking about when an heir will be on the way, since I’ll be taking the ducal title when we return.” He offered Diana a mischievous smile. “I got the impression she rather thinks there ought to be a child already.”

“We have been practicing to produce one, though I suspect that is not something we should tell your mother.”

Edmund tipped his head. “I could always send her a letter, telling her there is a child on the way.”

“Edmund!” Diana swatted him. “Telling your mother false stories in your letters was exactly how everything that happened between us started.”

“I know.” He smirked. “That is why I was considering another letter. The best thing that ever happened to me started because of that letter. Who knows what might come to pass?”

“You cannot truly think that is a good idea.” Diana stared at him. “Not after everything.”

“Perhaps not.” Edmund shrugged. “But if I could, I would do nothing else.”

Diana’s eyes were brighter than the sunrise as she smiled at him. “Nor would I.”

In the light of the rising sun, Edmund kissed the love of his life. And for the first time in his life, he felt truly whole and at peace.

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